Monday, August 28, 2006

Just Typing This Tires Me Out

Garrett & I had an action packed day today.

There's a new park across town that was supposed to be pretty decent. Having grown VERY sick of the park around the corner from us, I suggested to Garrett that we should go to the new park.

So around 8am we were heading out the door. I was planning on driving over there, as it is literally on the other side of town. Garrett would have none of this and insisted we walk. Who am I to argue with a 2 year old?

Off we went. We got about halfway to the park when I realized that he'd pooped. I had just changed his diaper before we left and didn't bother to bring along the diaper bag.

So we turned around and headed back home. After the deed was done, we came to the consensus that the car would be the preferred mode of transportation.

Off we went again. The park was quite spiffy, as parks go. Garrett has really mastered climbing of late. We played for a while and then kids started to show up. Garrett and his new buddy ran around for a while and then we went and kicked a soccer ball with another kid. Well, I kicked it. Garrett got fed up with the kicking and decided that throwing was the way to go.

After I was finally able to bribe Garrett away from the park with a promise of a Tim Bit, we went home and Garrett had an early nap. We were out for a good 3+ hours, so we were both kind of wiped.

Garrett was up by 1pm and raring to go. We went down to the Walmart and wandered about for a while. Garrett got himself a new "This Is Daniel Cook" DVD and I hit EB for a little bit and paid a few preorders for this fall. Then we made the fateful trip to the pet store.

There's a Super Pet a few doors down from EB and we usually go in to kill time and look at the fish. Today was 'Clean The Tank' day at Super Pet so Garrett and another little girl provided a rapt audience for the staff as they scraped algae off the glass.

Anyway, the crux of the trip is that I decided that it was time for Garrett to get a pet. We have a few aquariums (aquaria?) in the basement that have been gathering dust for ages. When we got home, Garrett helped me check the 5 gallon tank for leaks (none!) and we set the tank up on the little table in Garrett's room. He's very excited for the big trip to the store tomorrow to get some critters to populate the tank.

I'm just impressed that the tank doesn't leak, the pump works and the lights haven't shot out sparks. Not bad for a pile of aquarium gear that I picked up at a garage sale for $5 a few years ago. I also miss having fish, so this is kind of for me too :)

Julie's just rolling her eyes.

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