Friday, July 21, 2006


Ah, finally done work for the week.

I was going to have a few choice words about the people shown on TV yesterday getting off the boat in Cyprus after being evacuated from Lebanon but I'll refrain from calling them anything more than a bunch of ingrates.

There. Got that out of my system.

In other news, TURTLES! Yes, they're doing a CGI TMNT movie and I have to say, I like what I see. A lot of the animation looks almost hand-drawn (especially the backgrounds) and while I don't recall Leonardo having two katana, I'll let it slide.

All I ask is that they work in the theme song from the old cartoon into the movie. I've tried watching a few episodes of the newer one and while it's not half-bad (and it does hearken back to the original Eastman & Laird books by having all the turtles wearing the same colour bandana) I just couldn't get into it. It didn't have the fun factor that the earlier cartoon had (before it got too cartoony).

Bah. As long as Donatello keeps on using his bo, I'll be at the theatre on opening night!

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