Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

My beloved old MS Intellimouse Explorer, a gift from Julie's parents lo those many years ago, finally died on Saturday.

The Intellimouse started to show signs of flaking out on Friday when it would inexplicably stop working for periods of time. Saturday evening's surfing was very annoying as it would just shut down every so often. So in honour of Father's Day and with Julie's unwitting blessing, I took a trip down to Staples to find a replacement for ol' Intelly.

The one mouse that I wanted, the Logitech G7 gaming mouse was nowhere to be found. I know the computer shop in Acton has it but it was pretty pricey and I couldn't use the $20 Staples gift card that Santa brought me.

So after some studious research and generous rebates, I decided to go with the Logitech MX 1000 cordless laser mouse. I liked the feel of the mouse in my hand a lot more than the one gaming mouse they had in stock and it also had two buttons on the thumb, a prerequisite. After spending the last 6+ years taking full advantage of the forward and backward surfing abilities on the Intellimouse Explorer, I couldn't do with any less than those two buttons on the replacement.

Now after all is said and done, I'm incredibly happy with this new mouse. It is much more responsive than the Intellimouse ever was and has not 5, but a good 10 buttons (plus the scrolling of the mouse wheel itself). I'm in love with the application switching button. The only downside of this whole endeavour is that my hand has contorted into a strange claw molded in the shape of the Intellimouse after these many years of use. I'm sure I'll get used to the new mouse soon. It's just going to take a while. I feel like a geisha who's just had her feet unbound and is trying out a pair of sneakers.

What I'm Reading: Thinner
What I'm Playing: Freespace 2, WoW
What I'm Watching: Nothing really... Summer TV sucks.

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