Thursday, June 14, 2007

Finding Spidey

So I am planning on seeing Spiderman 3 when Julie heads down to Sarnia for the week. Unfortunately, it seems that Spidey 3 isn't the super popular movie it had hoped to be. I'm having a hard time finding a theatre that is still showing it after Friday. Grr...

I'm kind of tempted to see the new Fantastic Four movie too, but I'm on the fence. On the one hand, it has the Silver Surfer and Galactus (although he's not wearing purple pants this time, but still...) which look awesome and are awesome. On the flip side, it has Jessica Alba as Sue Storm. She and the guy who played Doctor Doom were the two really bad parts of the first Fantastic Four movie. Well, them and the incredibly boring script. As this movie looks to actually have the team do something more than stand around going, "Wow! We have super powers!", it could actually be a pretty fun movie. Not high art or anything, but given that the first FF movie was nowhere near as bad as I feared it to be, I could actually see myself enjoying the new one.

I guess it'll depend on how my free time plays out this week.

On another note, I watched Jackass 2 last night. It's a great movie for watching at Stupid O'Clock (you know, that time of night when everything seems funny for no particular reason). It's also the first movie that almost made me throw up. That takes some doing...

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