Sunday, May 20, 2007

Teach A Kid To Fish

On Friday, Garrett and I trundled down to Canadian Tire to get him a fishing rod. He has been asking for one for a few weeks and I needed something to do with him on Friday, so what better reason did I need?

We picked up a Spiderman fishing kit (of course)and after a quick trip to the tackle store to renew my license and get some worms, we hit Fairy Lake for some fishing.

Suffice it to say, Garrett really wants to fish... he just doesn't want me to teach him. He has a little fish-shaped dummy weight on the end of his line to help him practice casting and he's slowly learning how to cast and reel in his line. It's just that every time I try to help him, he freaks out and refuses to let me help. Ah, the stubborn almost 3-year-old independence is shining through.

Garrett thought it was really cool how the worms got put on the hook but was ticked that he couldn't have a hook on his line yet. That said, on my second worm, I ended up landing a 2-3 pound rock bass. Garrett helped me reel it in and thought it was the coolest thing ever. He even got to touch the fish, something he now insists on telling everybody. "It's slimy!" he says, adding "It's THIS big," as he stretches his arms out wide. Ah, he's a natural fisherman.

It wasn't a bad first day fishing. I figure that if he can keep practicing with his rod and the dummy weight, he'll actually be able to cast before too long. I ALMOST got him the Rocket Rod, which is a pretty cool rod that launches the bobber out instead of having to be cast, but I was afraid he'd end up launching the bobber at someone's head.

Plus this way he has to learn to cast properly.

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