Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Too bad I'm not a little girl from Quebec

I was out for a walk at work today and saw a Tim Horton's cup on the side of the road. It didn't look like the rim had been rrrrrrolled up so I tossed aside what little dignity I had and picked it out of the ditch.

Lo and behold, I won a free coffee. WOoohoo!

I've only won a donut so far in this year's contest so winning a coffee, from a ditch-cup no less, was rather nice.

Sadly, this might be the high point of my day :P Garrett's got a fever, I've got an earache and my Tetris never came in. Boo hoo.
What I'm Reading: The Walking Dead Vol. 3
What I'm Playing: Shadow Hearts 3, Galactic Civilizations 2
What I'm Watching: 24 and Prison Break

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