Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Remind me not to schedule a major movie release, a major job interview and a Christmas party for the same day ever again. I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night and I just got home from the party. Man, I'm pooped.

The interview went well. It was probably the least painful interview I've had to do. It helps that one of the interviewers was the guy who sent me to Winnipeg :) Did I get the job? Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow, but now I've got the experience of doing the interview under my belt.

And stupid Visa. They upped my limit $1200... Just in time for Christmas. It is nice in a way, since I was able to finish my Christmas shopping today instead of trying to squeeze it in tomorrow, and I was also able to spend a bit more than I'd planned in order to get Julie the nice Christmas gift I'd envisioned rather than just something I could afford.

Now I'm not allowed to use it until after Christmas and I've seen how many (if any) EB gift cards I get. I am leaning heavily towards picking up an Xbox though. I can get the bundle that's out now and Splinter Cell and Mech Assault and pretty much not bother buying any other games for it for a while, but also be able to have it. We'll see how Christmas goes though.

And Julie got me the Back to the Future Trilogy on DVD. Woot! It's the only present I know for sure that I'm getting.

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