Saturday, July 14, 2007


I think Garrett has a black hole in his stomach today.

He packed in more food today than I've seen him eat in the last week. He just kept eating and eating and eating... Usually we're lucky if he eats very much of his breakfast, any of his lunch and sometimes he'll pick at supper.

He had two servings of breakfast, we went to Smitty's at lunch and he ate his whole plate, all of my toast and most of Julie's sausages and then tonight he just kept asking for more food.

I'm afraid of what we'll find in the morning. I think we'll go into his room and he'll be 8 feet tall.

The only upside of this being a possible growth spurt is that maybe, JUST MAYBE, he'll sleep in a bit and be a little tired.

But I won't hold my breath.

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