Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Neat little news blurb.
Gamers Enter the Flow State - Dutch
According to a study by BBC World's ClickOnline, computer gamers experience an increased level of alpha brainwave activity, a phenomenon usually only associated with a state of complete rest (such as during meditation). This brain wave activity is known as the Flow State. It's common knowledge however, in scientific and sporting circles at any rate, that sports people performing at the very peak of their abilities can experience an increased level of alpha brainwave activity. Recent research has suggested that it could be possible for a person immersed in a computer game to achieve the same level of meditative concentration. Thus ClickOnline teamed up with Brunel University in London to test out the theory with the help of their Sport Psychology Research Unit.

Two test subjects, a top Virtua Fighter player and an international athlete javelin throwing, were asked to engage in their specialist area for a set period of time. It was an artificial environment for both participants, who are much more familiar with the pressures of group competition rather than individual performance in front of a TV camera. After this a self-report analysis questionnaire known as Flow State scale version II -- an established method of scientific analysis, aimed to assess nine specific factors associated with Flow State -- was administered to both men.

The findings of the study support the aforementioned theory -- the Virtual Fighter player scored an average of 17 (and we're looking for an average of 16 or above to attain Flow State), whereas the javelin thrower scored 17.44, so they both experienced Flow to some extent. Obviously there is more research to be done to validate the findings, but if initial indications are correct, there could suddenly be a lot more interest in computer gaming both as a science and as a sport.

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