Monday, April 08, 2002

Ok. Just finished watching my tape of tonight's X-Files. Sigh. This is why I liked the show. It was off-kilter, probably had a lot of the 'mythology' fan-boys up in arms because of the lack of, oh, aliens or something and it was shot in a very quirky manner that always emphasized the whole numerology aspect of the plot.

< rant >
If the last 2 years had more episodes like this and less mythology episodes, I'm sure the show would be regarded as a much better show. They fell back on some pretty lame writing and kept beating the Mulder stick for longer than anyone cared these past two years.

Oh well. They're finally putting the show to rest. It's sad. There are some shows that end before they're even given a chance (Harsh Realm, The Lone Gunmen) and then there's the X-Files, which while better than most shows out there, has had a very noticable decline over the past 2 years to the point where someone like myself, who used to watch the shows religiously, can barely muster up the patience and enthusiasm to sit through an episode. I mean, I'll watch it, but if I have anything else I'd rather do, I MIGHT tape it... if not, I'll just miss it and not really feel like I'm missing anything.

< /rant >

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