Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Was at my bro-in-law's wedding this past weekend, hence the lack of updates... the lack of sleep continued straight through pretty much to Saturday, and then I was sick as a dog Sunday/Monday and a bit today, but I was at least able to get to work and NOT GET A SPEEDING TICKET (unlike on Sunday, when I went in for a couple hours then was driving home, half-coherent, and then pulled over... at least the cop saw I was in rough shape and only gave me a minor ticket rather than the nasty one I could have received).

I also picked up Sega Soccer Slam while in Kitchener at the wedding and a nice little Spice controller for the Cube while I was at it. SSS is a very fun and crazy soccer game that was obviously thought up by crazy crack smoking Japanese programmers when they ran out of ideas for games that didn't involve placing monkeys in plastic balls.

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