Thursday, December 31, 2015

RIP 2015 - Hello 2016!

Well, 2015 has been an interesting year.  Lots of changes at work, but (almost) all for the better.  Things have been going rather well on the home front as well, if you don't count the fence that is collapsing in the backyard and the fact that my car is about to die a horrible death one of these days.

I know that I'm looking forward to 2016 as a year to put a lot of the lessons learned in 2015 into practice, especially at work.  And while I was at work a LOT in 2015, I also think I started to finally slow down a bit and pay more attention to family life and appreciate the quiet evenings when we could all just hang out and do things as a family.

We're looking forward to the big birthdays in 2016 (both of us are teetering on the top of the hill and are about to be over it as of 2016) and I'm fascinated by what wacky stuff the kids will get up to next.

I will leave you with this, the Doctor Who LEGO movie that my kids spent all day working on!  Enjoy and have a safe 2016!!!

(I wonder if I'll actually update this blog more than 5 times in 2016... that should really be my resolution...)