Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Garrett Goes To Day Care

Yesterday was Garrett's first day of day care and he seemed to have a blast. Supposedly he took a couple steps while he was there.

Sure... I'm home for 5 1/2 months and on my first weekday back at work he decides to take his first solo steps. Sigh.

The day care we're taking him to is great though. There are a couple other kids and the lady has a huge backyard, so Garrett gets to go out and play a lot more. They also have a big, friendly dog that Garrett is fascinated with. I just hope he doesn't decide he wants one. I'll have to introduce him to the wonders of cats before then!

What I'm Reading: Box Office Poison
What I'm Playing: Phantom Brave
What I'm Watching: The news. Rain fall horizontally.

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