Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Ever have one of those nights?

Well, my old friend, Mr. Insomnia, is back and not ready to leave Casa Del Brocko.

I am actually feeling fine, so the general ooginess that I was feeling earlier in the evening seems to have just been some passing fad. Of course, now I'm sitting here, staring at the wall and wide awake. I don't even have the 'I feel tired, but I can't sleep' thing going on. I'm just awake and that's it. And I didn't even have any Coke or coffee today.


On the bright side, I got my income tax return just now. I guess there are benefits for staying up late. I had a few ideas for what to do with it. I was definately tempted by the shiny PSP's at EB. The idea of upgrading my computer is also not a bad plan. I wouldn't mind a new TV either.

But since my birthday resolution is to try to do the things I always say I'll do, but don't... Since I'm trying this whole 'responsibility' thing out, I think my big plan is to just save the cash.

I've already salted away about half of it into my savings account. Since I've already paid off all of the games that I'm looking forward to for the next few months, I should be all set for now. Maybe I'll be able to get Garrett something nice for his birthday.

Hey, I'm starting to get woogy. Maybe Mr. Sleepenheimer is here, sprinkling magic sleepy dust all over my office. Or it could just be the white noise emitted by my system that's overtaking my brain.


Oh, before I go, tune in next time for some pretty silly TRUE LIFE STORIES that happened to me (or in my vicinity) last week. If nothing else, I'll have to remember to post about the "E for Everybody" lady. Sheesh.
What I'm Reading: The Darkness That Comes Before
What I'm Playing: God of War, WoW
What I'm Watching: My hands type words of their own accord

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