Wednesday, March 16, 2005


This is the most amusing spam I've received in quite some time. Give me prophets of doom over people selling me pharmaceuticals any day.


Our planet earth is under threat of being destroyed by the fast approaching of Hercolubus, also called 'Red Planet'.

Hercolubus is a gigantic planet, several times bigger than Jupiter, whose massive gravitatory power will provoke in earth plenty of terrible earthquakes, tidal waves, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, etc., which will increase in intensity until they bring humanity to an end.

Those are REAL facts, they are not fictions, they will happen in the short term and are described in detail by V.M. Rabolu in his work 'Hercolubus or Red Planet', where humanity is warned about that next catastrophe and told what to do in order to avoid it.

Yours sincerely,
Ediciones Humanidad

More information:

Free PDF: (on line) (donwnload)

Hee hee. Frankly, if there's a giant planet coming that's bigger than Jupiter, I don't see what we could do to 'avoid the next catastrophe' other than building rockets and zooming off this giant bullseye we call Earth.

What I'm Reading: America: The Book
What I'm Playing: Republic Commando (beat it last night), WoW, not sure what else
What I'm Watching: My resume go off into the ether...

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