Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Uh oh. An Anime post

I have been watching Key: The Metal Idol in the evenings and it's starting to get really good.  It's a somewhat slow anime to start, but by episode 5-6ish, there are enough weird things going on to make you really want to see what is going to happen next and episode 7 is very cool.

The animation isn't quite up to the standards of Last Exile, but Key was made back in early 90's, so it doesn't have all of the digital effects and clean-up like modern anime tends to have.  That said, it's still pretty good and the characters are all really neat. 

One thing I was really surprised about was the amount of gore, but it's not really gratuitous.  When things get bloody, it's for a good reason.  No Fist of the North Star exploding heads here.

It's also a pretty scathing commentary on J-Pop idol singers and the culture around them.  I find this interesting as we are starting to get things like the J-pop Idol culture here in North America with the various American & Canadian Idol shows and the late, great boy band phase of the late 90's.

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