Thursday, May 13, 2004

Babies: Nature's Nuclear Weapons

I found this interesting tidbit about babies on the Encyclopedia of the Pointless.

"Babies have a range of cries from "Look at me" all the way to "topple buildings".

This sonic defense is well documented. In tibet in the early 60's, there was a child born whose cries caused avalanches. In the early 70's, a scientist by the name of Rodger Jugginsworth devised a complex sonic amplifier that would take the cries of a child, gently squeezed, and focus them on targets miles away, with the destructive potential of a hiroshima bomb. Unfortunatly, the project was deemed to be cruel to children. However, in the Yucca Mountain facility, the dormant remains of the baby cannon, and its smaller hand-held Infantile Sonic Amplifier, or ISA, cousins lie, waiting for the day when it again becomes necessary to load our babies into strange contraptions that turn cries for love and affection into a deadly wave of destruction."

Oh, I can't wait for our's!

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