Friday, December 14, 2007

Up All Night...

So I'm sitting here, Mass Effect is finished and the episode of X-Play on TV has already been on 3 times tonight...

Now, answer me, dear Kara. WHY WON'T YOU GO TO SLEEP?! I have to work the overnight shift tomorrow, so feel free to cry into the phone to keep me up then, but for tonight, I'd really like to get some shut-eye!

Edit@4:49am: She was wide awake and crawling all over the place until about 4 or so. Then she fell over, bonked her head and started crying until Julie came down to see what was going on.

Of course, I'm wide awake now. Grr. I got some stuff finished up for the weekend so I'm going to go hit the hay. At least I've got some practice for tomorrow night

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