Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Hurray for research!

Soo.... I did a bit more digging after reading that Slashdot blurb and a bit of the EW article and it turns out that Serenity is not dead after all.

*gasp* *surprise*

Whedonesque (a great Whedon fan site) has a bit more info and words from Joss himself.

All right, now I have to jump in and set the record straight. EW is a fine rag, but they do take things out of context. Obviously when I said I had 'closure', what I meant was "I hate Serenity, I hated Firefly, I think my fans are stupid and Nathan Fillion smells like turnips." But EW's always got to put some weird negative spin on it. But so we're clear once and for all: If you read a quote saying "I'd love to do more in this 'verse with these actors in any medium" all I'm saying is that Nathan has a turnipy odor. It's not his fault, he doesn't eat a lot of them but everyone else in the cast noticed it and tht's not really something I'm prepared to deal with any more. And Jewel said outright she wouldn't do scenes with him except stuff like the SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER funeral scene which was outside in a high SPOILER wind. So if I do manage to find another incarnation for my beloved creation, it will have been totally against my will.

I hope that clears everything up. Oh, and when I say I want to do a Spike movie, it means I have a bunion on my toe.

-joss (by which I mean Tim)

(no, actually me.)
joss | December 21, 02:12 CET

Yeah, Joss is crazy, but he's essentially refuting everything above. Firefly the series is dead, that is pretty much a given. Serenity and the 'verse is likely very much alive. EW just took things WAY out of context. Bah.

Stupid people, getting me somewhat worried about a movie.

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