Thursday, July 28, 2005

The tragic death of Neville Longbottom

I just finished reading Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. I promise I won't give away any spoilers.

I will say that it was easily my favourite of the series. The plot was much tighter than Goblet of Fire and The Order Of The Phoenix. It also set up the final book magnificently. We, the reader, actually have a pretty good idea as to what the basic plot of the next book will be this time instead of coming in and having to wonder what wackiness will ensue. This is a good thing as we can speculate more on exactly what the characters will have to do and how they'll have to do it.

I'll say that in retrospect I should have been able to figure out who the Half-Blood Prince was much earlier than I did. It wasn't for lack of clues. And even though the little girl next door did ruin the surprise of exactly who died in the book, the manner of the death and the reasons behind it were still a surprise when I got to that part.

My only complaint: Not enough Hedwig The Owl. And where were the killer squids? Ah well.

I just hope that J.K. Rowling doesn't get hit by a train or a boulder until she's finished the final book.

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